How FORTVISION helped this home decor retailer personalize its ecommerce experience, uplifting conversions by 87%


Conversion optimization by personalizing the homepage for shoppers in ‘Art and Prints’ segment


Increase in click-through rate in emails by showing abandoned cart content


Revenue per session uplift by activating exit-intent pop-ups to reduce abandonment


  • A leading online home decor retailer offers a vast range of products - including home decorations, textile and rugs, arts and prints, and plant decorations - as well as pet supplies.

  • A leading online home decor retailer offers a vast range of
    products - including home decorations, textile and rugs, arts and prints, and plant decorations - as well as pet supplies.

    Serving as a one-stop shop for its customers, the company is invested in connecting with their customers on an individual level, and this focus extends to their eCommerce experiences.

    As the company began identifying strategies to boost its sales, they spotted an opportunity to overhaul how they think about personalizing experiences, shifting from a product-focused approach to a customer-centric framework.

    After partnering with FORTVISION for eCommerce personalization needs, the organization reimagined its audience segmentation strategy to better connect its customers to the products they want and need.

87% Conversion improvement

by tweaking and optimizing their home page based on distinct audience groups

The Challenge

With an overwhelming selection of 20,000+ products on the home decor website, the company was looking for a personalization technology relevant to their diverse audience while still offering a unique experience for each individual shopper.


With an overwhelming selection of 20,000+ products on the home decor website, the company was looking for a personalization technology relevant to their diverse audience while still offering a unique experience for each individual shopper.

They needed a solution with easy setup and automation so that the platform would handle the personalization and cart recovery and they could focus on completing orders.

The home decor retailer wanted to both optimize their homepage experience by testing a different content personalization strategy and reduce cart abandonment with on-site and email strategies.

The company wanted to see how personalizing their homepage experience using category affinity data affected customer behavior at their first touchpoint when returning to the site.

By uncovering these insights, the retailer was able to optimize their onsite experience to attract and convert more customers in some of the most consequential moments of their shopping journey.

  • 30%

    Increase in online sales by segmentation-based strategy

  • 28%

    Conversion boost due to cart recovery strategy


Personalizing the home page with category specific banners

The retailer tested how personalized homepage experiences affect shopper engagement compared to their standard homepage experience.


The retailer tested how personalized homepage experiences affect shopper engagement compared to their standard homepage experience.

They wanted to test if personalized homepage experiences caused different audience segments to engage more.

To form the test, the retailer created different variations of their homepage content that had messaging and visuals directed toward specific categories that were tied to the customer’s previous behavior.

Introducing the same kind of campaign test for multiple different segments can be a strong indicator that not all groups of shoppers behave in the same way - which allows for more streamlined content segmentation.

Personalized messaging won out for the category ‘Art and Prints’ by a margin of 87%, whereas the shoppers in the ‘Plant Decorations’ segment were only 67% more likely to convert on the personalized content.

    • 87%

      Win probability of the personalized 'Arts and Prints' banner versus the main banner

    • 67%

      Win probability of the personalized 'Plant Decorations' banner versus the main banner

  • helper

Pop-ups to get users to complete purchases before exiting the site

  • There are different reasons for cart abandonment, some of which can be overcome, while others cannot. If this happens due to indecision, then showing these customers a personalized message can benefit both customer and the business.

    popups-mobile popups
  • There are different reasons for cart abandonment, some of which can be overcome, while others cannot. If this happens due to indecision, then showing these customers a personalized message can benefit both customer and the business.

    The retailer decided on presenting an incentivized pop-up to customers who displayed ‘exit intent’ on desktop - moving their mouse toward the URL address bar - encouraging them to complete their orders.

    By implementing a comprehensive engagement strategy using FORTVISION, the company drove far more visitors back to checkout pages and succeeded in converting more users into shoppers.

  • 16%

    Conversion rate uplift

  • 12%

    Revenue per session increase

Automated cart abandonment emails to reclaim lost purchases

  • The retailer also leveraged FORTVISION’s triggers engine to automatically email customers who added items to their cart but abandoned the website before completing a purchase.

    automated-mobile automated
  • The retailer also leveraged FORTVISION’s triggers engine to automatically email customers who added items to their cart but abandoned the website before completing a purchase.

    Each triggered email contained the products left behind, as well recommendations for complementary products to their abandoned cart, based on their past browsing activities or viewed products.

    Displaying these products via email is proven to recuperate orders effectively and increase the store’s conversion rate.

    In order to seize the opportunity to convert visitors closer to checkout, the retailer sends cart recovery emails 24 hours after a shopper leaves the site with unpurchased items still in their cart.

This strategy has resulted in

  • 37%

    Open rate

  • 29%

    Click-through rate

  • 28%

    Conversion rate


By basing personalization around a user’s stage in the buyer journey and real-time intent signals, the home decor retailer was able to boost

both conversion rates and revenue per session of customers already on the path to purchase.

The result? Happy shoppers and a happy retailer.

By basing personalization around a user’s stage in the buyer journey and real-time intent signals, the home decor retailer was able to boost both conversion rates and revenue per session of customers already on the path to purchase.

conclusion-mobile conclusion

The result? Happy shoppers and a happy retailer.


  • FORTVISION is a marketing automation and web personalization platform designed to help companies optimize their conversions and increase sales.

    about bubble
  • FORTVISION is a marketing automation and web personalization platform designed to help companies optimize their conversions and increase sales.

    Catch users' attention with personalized automations and win more sales through customized on-site campaigns, email, SMS, advertising, and landing pages. FORTVISION is a one-stop shop to improve all your sales and marketing KPIs using various data sources, including external CRM software.

    With our plugin, data is collected, analyzed and segmentized based on user geolocation, traffic source, online behavior, purchasing history, and more.

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Use FORTVISION's advanced segmentation to personalize content for each user.